Sunday, March 20, 2005

Integral Marketing Homework Assignment - Orange V-Meme Exploration

OK, let's get our heads into it. Here are some thoughts on a homework assignment...
the first few steps to explore what Integral Marketing might be.

1. Orange V-meme Exploration
a. Pick 3-4 exemplars of the best in Orange v-meme marketing
i. For each company/brand, jot down why you think that it's solid

exemplar of Orange marketing.
ii. Now, look at all 3-4 you picked and ask yourself what they might

all have in common, which will lead us to...

b. Expansion questions about Orange marketing
i. What's true about Orange marketing?
ii. What's uniquely true/different about Orange marketing?
iii. What are the benefits of Orange marketing? Think of rational and

emotional benefits.
iv. Who is Orange marketing really for? Come up with different types

of people who might really get the most from Orange marketing
(i.e., not just "Orange consumers." That's a cop-out!)
v. When is Orange marketing really for? What are the situations when

Orange marketing is more effective than any other?
vi. What's Orange marketing like (metaphors)?
vii. What's the image of Orange marketing? Grab some magazines,

go to Google Image Search...get your hands on a rich variety of images
and pick 3-4 that connote Orange marketing for you. Please don't be
too literal. Go for some impressionism here - we're after feelings more
than solid cognitive rationale. For each image, tell us why you picked it.
Look at all 3-4 and see if you can create a headline that captures the
essence of all of them together.

c. Sacred Cow Meatloaf
i. What are some of the sacred cows of Orange marketing? What are

the "thou shalts", the givens, the core assumptions about it? Make a
list of several.

For example, if our topic were new salad dressings, our list of “obvious

truths” would include:
a) It’s liquid.
b) It comes in a bottle.
c) It’s used on lettuce and vegetables.

Now, with gleeful abandon, throw all this over the ledge of the nearest

paradigm cliff. For each “truth” or “law” consider at least two ways to
break it. Go for it! Fly your rebel flag high! Now step back and examine
the havoc you've wreaked. Where does it take you? How does it change
the situation? In what ways does it open up opportunity? Use all of this
to generate broad wishes, descriptors and/ or benefits for Integral
Marketing. Be as creative as you can with this, making sure your output
is diverse and that it takes you into really new areas.

d. DREAMing of A Different Approach to Marketing
Now, let's spend some time going quadrant by quadrant, DREAMing our

way to a more integral approach to marketing.
i. UL quadrant - With regard to Orange marketing's interaction with the
Subjective Singular quadrant, what all might you...
aa. Delete/Get rid of entirely
bb. Reduce/Dial down
cc. Enhance/Dial up
dd. Add - what might be missing entirely?
ee. Maintain - Finally, let's include the best of Orange marketing...bring it
forward with us as we move into 2nd-tier marketing.

ii. UR quadrant - With regard to Orange marketing's interaction with the
Objective Singular quadrant, what all might you...
aa. Delete/Get rid of entirely
bb. Reduce/Dial down
cc. Enhance/Dial up
dd. Add - what might be missing entirely?
ee. Maintain - Finally, let's include the best of Orange marketing...bring it
forward with us as we move into 2nd-tier marketing.

iii. LL quadrant - With regard to Orange marketing's interaction with the
Intersubjective quadrant, what all might you...
aa. Delete/Get rid of entirely
bb. Reduce/Dial down
cc. Enhance/Dial up
dd. Add - what might be missing entirely?
ee. Maintain - Finally, let's include the best of Orange marketing...bring it
forward with us as we move into 2nd-tier marketing.

iv. LR quadrant - With regard to Orange marketing's interaction with the
Interobjective quadrant, what all might you...
aa. Delete/Get rid of entirely
bb. Reduce/Dial down
cc. Enhance/Dial up
dd. Add - what might be missing entirely?
ee. Maintain - Finally, let's include the best of Orange marketing...bring it
forward with us as we move into 2nd-tier marketing.

Whew! And that's just considering Orange marketing. Back later for a crack at Green, and then we'll finally hop into 2nd tier and see what we might be able to put together.


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